

With allison oswald

Welcome to Living Well — our bi-weekly spotlight on different women that we admire and find fascinating. Our goal is to share an intimate peek into these women’s lives by asking them the questions that allow them to open up about their imperfect truth, whatever that may be. 

Meet Allison, Oswald — a certified Women's Health Doctor and Physical Therapist. Allison describes herself as "a woman with a passion for pelvic care", who wants to teach women to embrace their pelvic health and connect with their bodies. 

Allison works with women during preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. She is also a mother of three, a wife, a daughter, and a sister that is dedicated to helping women and learning from them along the way. 

I know you’ll find Allison as inspirational as I do. Enjoy!

If you've done the Values Deck exercise, what are your top five values? Tell us how one of them manifests in your life. What is a decision you’ve made using it to guide you?

Connection, Compassion, Mindfulness, Wisdom, and Authentic Connection!

I am always finding purpose and joy in connecting with others and with myself. Every day I seek to listen to my body and my feelings, knowing that when I work on that connection I am more grounded, at peace, and more able to be in the present moment. This is also the cornerstone to my approach with my practice. Guiding women to be able to find connection with themselves with various tools and approaches is the catalyst to healing in my opinion.

What does a life well-lived look like?

It looks happy and filled with family and friends. It looks like nothing was saved for a special occasion because each day was special in one way or another. And it leaves behind many stories to be shared for years to come. 

My version of success is…

Being present through the highs and lows, learning from mistakes and choices I've made, and always growing. 

In what way are you seeking to grow right now?

I am seeking to be able to be in the moment with my kids more easily, especially as my boys are growing and life seems to get very busy very quickly, I am doing my best to let go of perfection and embrace the chaos as much as I can. My husband Pete can do this so well, his ability to shift from a work call to playing "monster" outside is incredible!

What is one way that you are different today than you were ten years ago?

I am most definitely more patient, a better listener and more inclined to trust my intuition!

Setting aside modesty for a moment, what are you excellent at?

I am excellent at being optimistic, finding the positive in life and in all situations. 

Whose life perspective and way of moving through the world teaches you something about who + how you want to be?

My dad has a beautiful perspective on life. He taught me young about the power of mind over matter, taking a few deep breaths to clear your thoughts and find peace, as well as viewing life with a glass half full approach. His spiritual connection with nature and all things outdoors is inspiring, and I hope that I can carry these lessons with me in life too. 


"Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor." - Rumi

Can you share a book, podcast, or article that changed you in some way?

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a book I read in college and to this day, it sits on my bedside table. It's marked up with notes and tabs, and reading just a few lines always inspires me. 

What are you grateful for today?

My afternoon almond milk cappuccino in the backyard while the baby naps.

Allison Oswald is Women's Health Doctor of Physical Therapy. Her new virtual studio and community, The Gather, will launch later this year and will include a postnatal program as well as programs for women during all phases of life. Follow Allison on Instagram to stay up to date and learn about when it launches.



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