With gwen dittmar

Welcome to Living Well — our bi-weekly spotlight on different women that we admire and find fascinating. Our goal is to share an intimate peek into these women’s lives by asking them the questions that allow them to open up about their imperfect truth, whatever that may be.
My guest this week is Gwen Dittmar. Gwen integrates layers of consciousness and healing into her coaching, energy work, breath work, shamanic tools, as well as drawing upon her own personal healing journey into the practical and holistic facilitation. She has a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, is a Usui Reiki Master, a Certified Teacher of David Elliott Breathwork, is currently mentoring in shamanism, and is a mother of two children.
I am so grateful that Gwen was able to take the time out of her busy schedule to answer some questions for Living Well. I hope that you find her answers as inspiring as I did. Enjoy!
If you've done the Values Deck exercise, what are your top five values? Tell us how one of them manifests in your life. What is a decision you’ve made using it to guide you?
Spirit, Health, Wealth, Adventure, Family, and Community.
What does a life well-lived look like?
I am a vessel for Spirit and channel to be of service and creativity. I am healthy, happy, well-rested, connected to nature and Spirit. I am building wealth and myself, and my family are thriving. I am traveling, trying new things, and enjoying adventure in my daily life. I have time, space, and energy to spend with my family, friends, and community.
My version of success is…
Living my core values and vision each day, being a vessel of service, honesty, and authenticity.
In what way are you seeking to grow right now?
Growing and expanding my work in the world. Deepak Chopra, Glennon Doyle, Bozoma Saint John.
What is one way that you are different today than you were ten years ago?
I was still operating from my masculine more than my feminine, and I was not fully living my. truth. I was a single woman with no children. I was still working in corporate and consulting. I was training for triathlons and marathons.
Setting aside modesty for a moment, what are you excellent at?
I feel I am excellent at coaching, guiding, holding space, and transmitting healing energy. I am a seeker and willing to go to the depths that some might be fearful of. I also feel I am great at balancing the multidimensional and practical.
Whose life perspective and way of moving through the world teaches you something about who + how you want to be?
Definitely Shamans, First Nations, and Medicine Women teach me the ways of love and wisdom.
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Also, "External experience is a reflection of internal reality." - Ron and Mary Hulnick.
Last, by Confucius, "The gem cannot be polished without friction nor man without trials."
Can you share a book, podcast, or article that changed you in some way?
Power vs Force by David Hawkins
What are you grateful for today?
My connection with my Spirit, my sobriety, my health, my children, all of the beautiful grit and lessons to deepen in loving.
Learn more about Gwen's work and connect with her on Instagram.

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