
Welcome to Living Well — our bi-weekly spotlight on different women that we admire and find fascinating. Our goal is to share an intimate peek into these women’s lives by asking them the questions that allow them to open up about their imperfect truth, whatever that may be.
I am so lucky to get to meet people to bring to our community who will expand us. Who will help heal us and bring life and vitality to old wounds we carry so we can thrive and live our best lives. I met Katrina a few months ago and very much feel she is a gift to help us enjoy the gift of our sexual pleasure. To loosen it up, release the shame, heal the wounds, and remember it is ours to enjoy. I am so happy to introduce her to The Well Lived Woman community and for us to all learn from a woman who feels so very entitled to her pleasure, in all ways, and can help us to feel the same. Let’s see how she’s living well!
xx Jaimi
If you've done the Values Deck exercise, what are your top five values? Tell us how one of them manifests in your life. What is a decision you’ve made using it to guide you?
I've never done the Values Deck, but I would say authenticity, connection, playfulness, beauty, and pleasure are my top five values. Knowing my values helps me navigate so many decisions. I ended a work contract last month because of misaligned values. I ended it with someone I was dating last week because of misaligned values. It really is an amazing metric to have in the tool belt.
What does a life well-lived look like?
Off my phone, mostly 😂. Engaged with what is in front of me. Friendship, laughter, sharing food. The people in my life knowing how I feel about them. Asking for and receiving help. Snuggling. Less caring about what things look like. Focusing on how they make me feel instead. Having enough energy and confidence to take risks. Telling the truth. The full range of human expression. Not denying any flavor of feeling or longing. Persistence. Laugh lines. Having my heart cracked open over and over again. Letting it all move through with as much ease as possible. The peace of hard-earned understanding. Strong orgasms, deep sleeps, and enough bandwidth to marvel at the beauty around me.
My version of success is…
Liking myself. Free time. Work I want to do. Relational abundance. Fresh flowers on the table. Smelling the ocean from my balcony. To love and be loved.

In what way are you seeking to grow right now?
Ooo this is such a good question. I am starting to feel more chronic aches in my body (hello working on a computer and curling around my phone hours a day). I want to add more structure and discipline to my strength-building pursuits, without it turning into some body dysmorphic self-punishing thing from my younger years. Someone I admire a lot is Marlo Fisken. She brings a lot of silliness and wiggles to her time training while also being ridiculously strong, sexy and graceful.
What is one way that you are different today than you were ten years ago?
I'm much a better communicator than I was 10 years ago. I have a lot more self-awareness that I'm able to share with the people around me, which has helped me feel wayyyy more connected to people.
Setting aside modesty for a moment, what are you excellent at?
I facilitate some of the most challenging, vulnerable spaces I know with a lot of humor and humanity. I'm proud to put people at ease.

Whose life perspective and way of moving through the world teaches you something about who + how you want to be?
Cats. Those guys know how to live.
"The more I love myself the more I align myself." I worked with a psychic business coach when I first started my business 7 years ago and she gave me that affirmation. I still come back to it when I'm feeling shaky.
Can you share a book, podcast, or article that changed you in some way?
Sex by Design by Betty Dodson.
What are you grateful for today?
To live where I am. 2 blocks from the ocean, on the most magical island in Canada. What a blessing. I'm still pinching myself.

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