

With feminine wellbeing expert & founder of aether, kristina adam

Welcome to Living Well — our spotlight on different women that we admire and find fascinating. Our goal is to share an intimate peek into these individuals' lives by asking them the questions that allow them to open up about their imperfect truth, whatever that may be. 

Kristina has been an integral part of The Well Lived Woman community, bringing her expertise and powerful presence into every gathering, offering a space that feels both luxurious and welcoming. Her contributions have helped shape a space where women feel called to step into deeper energetic healing and the embrace of feminine energy. Kristina insights and views of the world feel deeply encouraging, and I'm excited for you to learn more about her below.

xx, Jaimi 


Belonging, Peace, Love, Pleasure, and Spirituality. From the moment I first used the Values Deck, I knew 'belonging' would always be my top value. I’ve struggled with a sense of belonging throughout my life, and the search for it has continuously guided my decisions — both big and small, from the communities I join to the events I attend. In my work, creating a sense of belonging for others is a deep passion and really close to my heart. I strive to create spaces and experiences where people feel like they belong, exactly as they are.

What does a life well-lived look like?

To me, a life well lived is one filled with the freedom to choose and follow all that feels good. Being able to flow with what each day offers in a beautiful dance between the things that bring us peace and connection and those that fulfill our souls and purpose in this life. What feels most nourishing to me right now includes immersing myself in nature, finding moments of quiet stillness, heartfelt connections and conversations, creative inspiration, and joyful laughter.

My version of success is…

Being able to become so present to the moment I am in that all else begins to fade away. I believe that the more we are able to live our lives with true presence, the more at peace we will be. And ultimately, a life lived in peace feels like success to me.

In what way are you seeking to grow right now? WHO EMBODIES THIS QUALITY?

I am seeking to grow into greater softness and ease, while also deepening my confidence in myself and my purpose. It feels like a delicate balance to strike in a world that constantly pushes us to keep going, growing, and moving at any cost. I’m grateful to have many beloved friends who embody the ability to step back from the world’s pace and realign with their own rhythm.

What is one way that you are different today than you were ten years ago?

When I look back at who I was ten years ago, it feels like a completely different person. I’ve changed in nearly every way, but one of the most profound shifts has been learning to accept, love, and appreciate myself — even through the difficult times. Through various experiences, I’ve come to know myself more deeply and have learned to embrace the unique elements that make up who I am, while cultivating a much-needed trust in myself and my purpose in this life.

Setting aside modesty for a moment, what are you excellent at?

I am good at holding space for others to feel seen and heard with compassion, without judgment, and in a way that feels empowering. I’m also an excellent designer, and I love bringing my eye for beauty and aesthetics into everything I do — making things beautiful is definitely one of my strengths! Additionally, I am a resourceful person who is persistent and does not easily give up when faced with challenges.

whose life perspective and way of moving through the world teaches you something about who + how you want to be?

I often admire the freedom and ease with which birds move through the world. Animals, in general, offer us valuable lessons about life—both in their natural connection to the rhythms of nature and in the way they honor their individual purpose. When it comes to human beings, I often think of Eckhart Tolle, especially when I find myself struggling with life’s challenges. He embodies the beauty of living fully in the present, stepping back to simply be, rather than becoming caught up in what has happened or what is yet to come.


There are a few guiding quotes that have accompanied me on my journey in various ways. I've always lived by the mantra, 'If you can dream it, you can do it.' Recently, I find myself returning often to another piece of wisdom shared by a dear mentor, especially in moments of confusion or uncertainty when I catch myself thinking, 'I don't know.' Instead, I replace that thought with, 'More will be revealed soon,' which helps me shift back into a mindset of trust.

Can you share a book, podcast, or article that changed you in some way?

The books that truly changed my life are A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav, and The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. The Alchemist by Paul Coelho and Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss are other wonderful books that have shaped my way of thinking about life.

What are you grateful for today?

The gift of being alive and healthy with a loving family, a safe home, and the freedom to make choices for myself and my life.

Kristina Adam is a Feminine Wellbeing Expert and the founder of Aether, a well-being brand guiding women through transformative awakenings. She creates nurturing spaces for women to reconnect with nature's rhythm and their own feminine wisdom — offering an invitation to pair back the noise of the world and experience a true connection to the present moment. To keep in touch with Aether and Kristina's offerings, connect with her brand on Instagram.



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