
I love writing the WLW Weekly and sharing the things I’m enjoying and thinking about. But I also really LOVE reading a well-written or edited newsletter myself so here is what I enjoy receiving in my own inbox.
Hillary Kerr is mostly fashion but doesn’t feel like “fashion” in that too-cool, put on type of way. I like the way she writes and thinks about the things she shares and I love getting her recommendations. She recommends both high and low things as well as beauty, gifts, and books and I’d love to be friends with her.
OG newsletter gal Jo Goddard has (I think) moved on from Cup of Jo to Big Salad and it’s great. Full of great articles, community, guests… it’s as close to an actual magazine that I read in its scope.
I love reading the quiet thoughtfulness of Shannan’s monthly thoughts here. They are always timely and grounding for me. Plus, she knows cool stuff in the world of business and entertaining and I learn something new with each one.
Elise has thoughtful musings, creative and inspired ideas, and brings in fun people. Her newsletter is no one thing and I love it.
This is such a generous and inspired resource for small business owners! Trademark lawyer Nicole Swartz is a great support to women business owners and shares so many amazing tidbits and easily-implemented recommendations.
This is the most smarty-pants I read of the bunch. Anne Helen Petersen is incredibly socially aware, a questioner and a deep thinker. Wither her newsletter she also leads up a loyal community of thoughtful commenters who she asks to weigh in on various things – from what they’re reading to their favorite kitchen gadgets to their most impactful rituals and routines – and I get so much from reading these as I do from her social commentary.
I am obsessed with the answers to this weekly NYT column considering moral quandaries. I learn so much from Kwame Anthony Appiah’s expertise. Family secrets, what we owe our parents, how to do right by our kids morally, when to stick our nose in and when to mind our own business…being human is tricky business and it this is a unique and wise perspective.
This one is style and fashion focused and a little more fashion-cool-girl than often resonates with me but I really like reading it because it’s short, nuanced, and I do feel like it keeps me in the loop of what's current just enough to please me but not pressure me to fully care.
A fun one about modern love and dating in your 40’s.
Jaimi Brooks is a licensed marriage and family therapist, women's group leader, founder of The Well Lived Woman, and creator of the Values Deck.

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