Saturday | Mar 15, 2025 | 9:00 - 11:00AM PT
Guest spaces available: 12
Location: The Well Lived Woman - Topanga Canyon, CA
Join herbalist and tea ceremonialist Grace Flowers as she creates a sacred space for us to come together in ceremony, ritual, and silence, inviting in a vast ocean of stillness and grounding within.
As within, so without.
As above, so below.
In stillness we can begin to hear.
This is an intentionally curated space to connect in a safely held container to share in tea bowl ceremony together while settling into the spaciousness that silence brings.
We will begin in silence and reverence for the Leaf and later unfurl into reflections with the group if you so choose.
This offering is not therapy. This is a space for deeper connection harnessing the beauty of suspended silence which will inevitably open up within ourselves the capacity to introspect and relate.
Please wear comfortable clothing. The ceremony will take place while sitting with cushions on the floor.
Grace Flowers is a curator of la salvia sagrada, mama to two, wife to her beloved and a student of Cha Dao, herbalism and ecosystem restoration.
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Image release: We document most workshops via photo and video, therefore images of you may appear in future Well Lived Woman promotions. Please contact us if you do not consent to be featured.